About UsScientific Lab Services2022-01-07T02:48:18+00:00
For our clients
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Cytokinetics
- Eli Lilly & Company
- Gladstone Institute
- Globeimmune
- Medical College of Wisconsin
- Moffitt Cancer Research Center
- Pfizer, Inc
- Sanofi-aventis
- Somalogic
- Stowers Institute for Medical Research
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Creighton University
- Emory University
- Georgia State University
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Stanford University
- UC – Davis
- UC – Berkley
- UC -San Francisco
- University of Arizona
- University of Georgia
- University of South Florida
- University of Utah
- University of Texas
- University of Wisconsin
- Vanderbilt University
- Washington University
we provide maintenance and repair options on a broad range of instrumentation
Centrifuges including:
Beckman Coulter
- L8M
- Optima L and XE Series
- Avanti J and JE High Performance Series
- J6 and J2 Series
- Allegra Series
- RC series
Spectrophotometers including:
Beckman Coulter
- DU-50/60
- DU-500
- DU-600
- DU-700
- DU-7000
- DU-800
Liquid Scintillation Counters including:
Beckman Coulter
- LS-1801, LS-3801, LS-5801
- LS-5000
- LS-6000 and LS-6500
Separations products including:
Beckman Coulter
- PF2D
- PA-800
Liquid Handlers including:
Beckman Coulter
- Biomek 2000 and Biomek 3000
- Biomek NX
- Biomek FX
Particle Counters including:
Beckman Coulter
- Z series
- Vi-Cell series
- Multisizer Series
- LS230 Particle Size Analyzers
- LS 13 320 Particle Size Analyzers